8 Active Allocations Data From Subgraph

# get list of current allocations (again)
query = '{
    allocations(where: {indexer:"0x74dbb201ecc0b16934e68377bc13013883d9417b", status: Active}, first:1000) {
      subgraphDeployment {
# Send POST request to the GraphQL API
response = POST(url, body = list(query = query), encode = "json")
# Parse the JSON response
content = content(response, "text", encoding='UTF-8')
json_data = fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)
# get list of current allocations
current_allocations = as_tibble(as.data.frame(json_data$data$allocations))
if (nrow(current_allocations) ){
  # add ipfs hash
  current_allocations$deployment = json_data$data$allocations$subgraphDeployment.ipfsHash
  # remove old nested column
  current_allocations %<>% select(-subgraphDeployment.ipfsHash) 
  # adjust allocatedTokens (just to avoid any confusion or issues)
  current_allocations$allocatedTokens = as.numeric(current_allocations$allocatedTokens)/10^18

Would be better to change this where we do a before and after and decide which ones to not close:

# Now exclude from synced_subgraphs those that are already allocated on:
synced_subgraphs = anti_join(synced_subgraphs, current_allocations, by = "deployment")